GPR+: A Large-Scale Synthetic Dataset for Person Re-identification
Suncheng Xiang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Upgraded version of GPR dataset (GPR+) 2020

An overview of the GPR+ dataset. We provide coarse-to-fine attribute annotations both temporally and semantically, including identity, viewpoint, weather and illumination. In order to make the attributes more independent and complementary to each, we redefined the attribute distribution in this upgraded version GPR+.



GitHub Repo


Person re-identification (re-ID) plays an important role in applications such as public security and video surveillance. Recently, learning from synthetic data, which benefits from the popularity of synthetic data engine, has achieved remarkable performance. However, existing methods only focus on achieving high performance on re-ID task with large-scale dataset while ignoring that how to perform efficient training from millions of synthetic data. To facilitate development in this field, we reviewed the previously developed synthetic dataset GPR and built an improved one (GPR+) with larger number of identities and distinguished attributes. This new dataset will help us have a deeper understanding of the fundamental problems in person re-ID. Our research also provides useful insights for dataset building and future practical usage. Note that GPR+ will be released with a open source license to enable further developments in person re-identification in the next few months.

11-Minute presentation video

Attribute Distribution


Empirical Studies and Analysis

We present a detailed comparison between existing synthetic datasets (e.g. SOMAset, SyRI, PersonX and GPR) and our upgraded version GPR+. In particular, "#view" indicates whether dataset has viewpoint attribute labels, simultaneously for "#weather" and "#illumination".


We present the upgraded GPR+ dataset which consists of 808 identities and 475,104 bounding boxes, with resolution of 200 × 470, including more high-quality attribute annotations.


We present GPR+ consisting of 12 different types of viewpoints, every 30° from 0° to 330°.


We present GPR+ consisting of 7 different types of weather, e.g. sunny, clouds, overcast, foggy, neutral, blizzard and snowlight.


We present GPR+ consisting of 7 different types of illumination, e.g. midnight (23:00-4:00), dawn (4:00-6:00), forenoon (6:00-11:00), noon (11:00-13:00), afternoon (13:00-18:00), dusk(18:00-20:00) and night (20:00-23:00).


Various backgrounds of GPR+, including urban areas and wild scenes, such as street, mall, school, park, beach and mountain, etc.


The position of each location in GTA5 world, in particular, our locations are mainly concentrated in the urban areas and wild scenes, such as street, school, mall, beach, parkding area, etc.


We sincerely thank the outstanding annotation team for their excellent work. This work is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Project(Grant No.61977045) and SJTU-SMARCHIT Joint Laboratory of Smart Building. The template of this webpage is borrowed from Dian Shao.


For further questions and suggestions, please contact Suncheng Xiang (