About me
I am an assistant professor in the School of Biomedical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU).
I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, under the supervision of Prof. Yuzhuo Fu. During the Ph.D. study period, I was awarded the title of Outstanding Doctoral Graduate from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2022. Prior to that, I graduated from Changsha University of Science and Technology (CSUST) for B.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering and Automation in 2014, then obtained the M.Eng. degree from National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) in 2017, co-supervised by Prof. Minxuan Zhang and Prof. Zuocheng Xing.
My main research topics are computer vision and machine learning. Specifically, I am currently doing research works on multimodal foundation models, medical image analysis, person re-identification, domain adaptation, transfer learning and related applications. I am also broadly interested in attribute manipulation, image generation and image retrieval tasks, e.g. vehicle re-identification and fine-grained image retrieval tasks. More details can be found in my [CV], [LinkedIn] and [Twitter].
I am currently working closely with Prof. Yuzhuo Fu and Prof. Dahong Qian at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). Aiming to bridge the gap between AI technologies and the real-world scenarios, I would like to investigate a more large-scale research topic that can make a real impact on society, and hope that my research will move forward building human-centered AI frameworks that can better reflect social needs.
My long-term collaborators include Dr. Mingye Xie, Dr. Jingsheng Gao and
Dr. Jiacheng Ruan at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU).
Open-source projects can be found at my [Github], and the full list of my publications can be found at [Google Scholar], [Research Gate] and [Semantic Scholar].
本网站目前仅包含英文版内容,也可直接点击上方的 "Official Website" 获取更多详细的信息。
💡 Openings: Our group has multiple openings for Posdoc/PhD/Master/Undergraduate to work on research projects related to medical image analysis, machine learning, computer vision, AI robotics in general. Students with strong self-motivation and publication record are preferred. If you are interested in above related topics and applications, please do not hesitate to drop me an email.
- [07/2024] One paper gets accepted by ACM MM.
- [07/2024] I will serve as a reviewer for CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology.
- [07/2024] I am granted by the Meng Minwei International Exchange Fund.
- [07/2024] We launched a AI challenge competition with Huawei Cloud.
- [06/2024] I will serve as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
- [05/2024] I will give a talk about Multimodality Representation Learning at Chongqing Normal University.
- [04/2024] I will serve as a reviewer for Multimedia Systems.
- [04/2024] I will serve as a reviewer for Multimedia Tools and Applications.
- [04/2024] I will serve as a session chair for ICASSP'24.
- [03/2024] One paper gets accepted by ICME'24.
- [03/2024] I will serve as a reviewer for Machine Vision and Applications.
- [03/2024] I will serve as a reviewer for MICCAI'24.
- [02/2024] I will serve as a reviewer for IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.
- [02/2024] One paper gets accepted by ISBI'24.
- [01/2024] I will serve as a reviewer for ACM MM'24.
- [01/2024] One paper gets accepted by MTA.
- [01/2024] I will join the Editorial Team of the Electronics and Signal Processing.
- [01/2024] One paper gets accepted by IEEE TMI.
- [12/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering.
- [12/2023] One paper gets accepted by ICASSP'24.
- [12/2023] One paper gets accepted by AAAI'24.
- [11/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for CVPR'24.
- [11/2023] I will serve on the Program Committee for EACL'24.
- [11/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for ISBI'24.
- [10/2023] I will serve as a workshop chair for CVDL'24.
- [10/2023] One paper gets accepted by ACM TOMM.
- [09/2022] I will serve as a reviewer for ICASSP'24.
- [08/2023] I am granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
- [08/2023] One paper gets accepted by MLMI'23.
- [08/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for Computer Vision and Image Understanding.
- [07/2023] One paper gets accepted by MTA.
- [07/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- [07/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for Neurocomputing.
- [06/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for Computers, Materials and Continua.
- [06/2023] One paper gets accepted by ACL'23 Workshop.
- [06/2023] I am granted by the Startup Fund for Young Faculty at SJTU.
- [05/2023] One paper gets accepted by Machine Learning.
- [05/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for ACM MM'23.
- [05/2023] One paper gets accepted by Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
- [04/2023] One paper gets accepted by ICASSP'23 Satellite Workshop.
- [03/2023] Two papers get accepted by ICME'23.
- [03/2023] One paper gets accepted by ACM TOMM.
- [03/2023] I will join the Editorial Team of the International Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology.
- [02/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing.
- [02/2023] Three papers get accepted by ICASSP'23.
- [02/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for Pattern Recognition Letters.
- [01/2023] I will serve as a reviewer for Journal of Supercomputing.
- [12/2022] I will serve on the Program Committee for ACL'23.
- [12/2022] I will serve as a reviewer for Defense Technology.
- [12/2022] I will serve as a reviewer for ICME'23.
- [11/2022] I will serve as a reviewer for ICASSP'23.
- [10/2022] One paper gets accepted by BIBM'22.
- [09/2022] I will serve as a reviewer for Machine Learning.
- [08/2022] I joined SJTU as a research assistant professor.
- [07/2022] I will serve as a session chair for ICME'22.
- [06/2022] I will serve as a reviewer for EMNLP'22.
- [05/2022] One paper gets accepted by Machine Learning.
- [04/2022] I was awarded the title of Outstanding Doctoral Graduate in SJTU!
- [04/2022] One paper gets accepted by CVPR'22 Workshop.
- [04/2022] I will serve as a reviewer for Experts Systems with Applications.
- [03/2022] I successfully presented and defended my PhD thesis!
- [03/2022] One paper gets accepted by ICME'22.
- [12/2021] I will serve as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
- [10/2021] We release the project of FineGPR-C caption dataset (FineGPR-C)!
- [09/2021] We release the project of FineGPR dataset (FineGPR)!
- [08/2021] I will serve as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
- [06/2021] One paper gets accepted by IJCAI'21 Workshop.
- [04/2021] One paper gets accepted by ICME'21 Workshop.
- [01/2021] One paper gets accepted by ICASSP'21.
- [10/2020] I will serve as a reviewer for Signal Processing: Image Communication.
- [08/2020] We release the project of upgraded version of GPR dataset (GPR+)!
- [08/2020] One paper gets accepted by MTA.
- [07/2020] One paper gets accepted by IET-IPR.
- [05/2020] I will serve as a reviewer for IET-IPR.
- [03/2020] One paper gets accepted by ICME'20.
- [01/2020] One paper gets accepted by MTA.
- [08/2019] One paper gets accepted by ICTAI'19.
- Office: Rm E255, Translational Medicine Building, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No 800, Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China
- Email: xiangsuncheng17[at]sjtu[dot]edu[dot]cn; xiangsuncheng[at]gmail[dot]com
Last update on 14 September 2024.
Copyright © 2020-2024 Suncheng Xiang. All Rights Reserved.